ü To promote the skill and knowledge of, and the adaptation of the highest standards of conduct by members of the management consulting profession;
ü To provide a professional organization for the members of the Management Consulting Profession and by means of examinations and other appropriate criteria to test the skill and knowledge of persons desiring to enter that profession and to issue qualifying certificates in proper cases;
ü To provide facilities and take steps to improve existing facilities for the training and education of persons in the art of Management Consulting and for that purpose to provide instructors, lecturers and supervisors to hold classes and examinations and award scholarships, prizes, medals or other awards in connection with the subjects of examinations held by the Institute or otherwise in relation to the profession of Management Consulting; and to make grants and other payments to any other body or institution whose objects include the advancement of knowledge of Management Consulting;
ü To adopt Certified Management Consultant (CMC) Certification Process and to grant CMC certificate to the members of the institute who qualify to meet the criteria of the global CMC Certification Standards as set by ICMCI time to time;
ü To hold Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and meetings for the discussion of professional subjects and on the issues of national interest;
ü To form a library, for the use of members of the Institute, for publications and other materials of any kind of service or of interest to members in their professional capacity and to collect collate and publish or disseminate among members information of such service or interest;
üTo publish print any information leeding to the development of any of the mention or any other subject/sector which the board warrant;
ü To exercise professional supervision over the members of the Institute and to frame, establish and administer rules for observance in all matters of professional conduct and practice as Management Consultants and to initiate appropriate manner to perfect the interest of clients.
ü To purchase or take on lease or in exchange hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property and any rights or privileges which the Institute may think necessary or convenient for the promotion of this objects/activities and to construct, maintain and alter any buildings or erections for the convenience of the work of the Institute;
ü To undertake and execute any trusts which may lawfully be undertaken by the Institute and may be conducive to its objects/activities;
ü To raise funds and accepts donations/grants or other financial assistance from any Government or private or any other sources or agencies in Bangladesh or abroad for use in work consistent with the purpose and objects of the company;
ü To borrow money for the purpose of the Institute on such term and on such security as may be thought fit;
ü To invest the funds of the Institute not immediately required for its purpose in or upon such investments securities or property as may be thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) and such consents (if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by the law and subject as hereafter provided;
ü To adopt By-laws, make rules and regulations, code of conduct and rules of business not inconsistent with the law or the Memorandum;
ü To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of any charitable association or institution and to subscribe or guarantee for charitable purpose in any way connected with the purpose of the Institute or calculated to further its objects/activities;
ü To liaison, cooperate, and collaborate with ICMCI in all matters in the interest of the members and the Institute time to time and to nominate Trustee to the ICMCI.
ü To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them;